


Monday, June 14, 2010

Hot and bored today. Maybe I should move someplace cold, like Antarctica....and watch the ice melt....

It's in the morning that I'm most down about the job situation, and I tend to surf the Internet, looking for jobs and job-related news. Reading news items about the current state of the economy is not helpful, just terrifying. Waiting to see what happens with the UE extension, praying that the feds approve the extension and praying even harder that I won't need to use it.

On another topic: Don't ever paint your stairs white. I don't mean the walls, I mean the actual stairs. At the time, it seemed like a good idea: the staircase was dark and dingy, so I painted the walls a nice creamy yellow and the ceiling a sky blue. I had loads of white gloss paint left, so I figured the extra white would help brighten things up. It did, but it shows every little dust bunny and smudge. Fail.


  1. You made me laugh about the white stairs - I have a white ceramic tile floor in my kitchen and I had a similar conversation with my husband yesterday!

    My thought about finding a job is things happen in God's time. He provides his blessings in his time - I just wish he would send me an email to get me in the loop this way here I could sit back and relax like I was on a mini vacation.

  2. I agree with you, I believe that this happened for a bigger reason. Like they say, a door never closes but a window opens.

    PS, I'm now painting the laundry room, but NOT the floor!!!
