


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interview update

This was a total waste of my time. I had completed an online app and gone thru all the assessment testing ONLINE. I went for the interview this morning as previously blogged, and they had me do the SAME things over again. Then they told us (there were 2 of us there) that the pay was $12.95/hr. That was LESS THAN what I'd been making. So I finished the damn tests AGAIN, and the HR *itch says, "I'll walk you out." Me: "That's it?" HRB: "We'll send you an email by tomorrow with our decision." It took me about an hour to get home and guess what was waiting in my email? You got it - an email telling me I was not being chosen.

I know there are no guarantees in this life, I understand if I'm not qualified for a job, but to not even do me the courtesy of a face to face interview??? Mind you, I was an employee in good standing when I was laid off, not on probation nor did I have any disciplinary actions open against me.

And sorry, but it took you LESS THAN AN HOUR to come to this decision and fire off an email? Something really stinks about that, does it not?

I also have a serious issue with this whole email shit, too. This is unprofessional. If you cannot be bothered to TALK to potential employees, what does that say about your corporate culture?

On the whole, I'm glad now that they didn't offer the job to me. I guarantee you I'll never apply for a job with that hell hole again and I'lll advise anybody who asks to do the same. Nobody deserves the treatment you'll get at this place.

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