Democrats seek to extend emergency jobless benefits
There is still hope!!
The rantings, ravings and random thoughts of a middle-aged jobless woman
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So, at the interview yesterday, the interviewer asked me what my bottom line salary was, and I told her my ideal was $14/hr. She sort of frowned, so I asked, "Do I have a chance of getting it here?" and she said, "In West Virginia? Honestly, no." Well, at least she was honest, right?
But let's do the math. She said I could probably get $10/hr, so let's go with that. 10/hr x 40 hr/wk = $400 BEFORE TAXES, which comes to something like $330 after taxes. $330/wk x 4 wks/mo = $1320/mo. My rent, utilities, car insurance and COBRA come to $1100/mo, leaving $220/mo for food, car maintenance, gasoline, pet care. That's a whopping $55/wk. Filling my old but serviceable car's engine takes about $28, leaving $27 for surviving. Guess I should be OK with that, at least I can subsist on canned soup. And all that depends on working locally so I'm not using the car too much.
I'm not so much discouraged as I am pissed off, and beating myself over the head for moving here in the first place, and then staying here as long as I have. I know, I really do KNOW, that coulda-shoulda-woulda is a fool's game, and solves nothing, but for right now I'm gonna wallow in anger and get it all outta my system. Grrrrrr.
But let's do the math. She said I could probably get $10/hr, so let's go with that. 10/hr x 40 hr/wk = $400 BEFORE TAXES, which comes to something like $330 after taxes. $330/wk x 4 wks/mo = $1320/mo. My rent, utilities, car insurance and COBRA come to $1100/mo, leaving $220/mo for food, car maintenance, gasoline, pet care. That's a whopping $55/wk. Filling my old but serviceable car's engine takes about $28, leaving $27 for surviving. Guess I should be OK with that, at least I can subsist on canned soup. And all that depends on working locally so I'm not using the car too much.
I'm not so much discouraged as I am pissed off, and beating myself over the head for moving here in the first place, and then staying here as long as I have. I know, I really do KNOW, that coulda-shoulda-woulda is a fool's game, and solves nothing, but for right now I'm gonna wallow in anger and get it all outta my system. Grrrrrr.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Postively, Think Positive!
OK, so off I go this morning for an interview with a local employment agency. I'm hoping, of course, that they'll be able to find something or, better yet, have something already in their files for me.
Yesterday, I did get some hopeful news. I was applying for a position with an organization I'd tried with once before, and when I entered my info on the Web site, I got a message that I was already being considered for the position. Cool!
Then, a friend emailed me that her bro-in-law, a fed employee, was looking to hire. I'd already sent my resume, and my friend said she'd recommended me highly. Next step is to email bro-in-law.
Don't want to get my hopes up (again) but need to be positive, right? Right!
Yesterday, I did get some hopeful news. I was applying for a position with an organization I'd tried with once before, and when I entered my info on the Web site, I got a message that I was already being considered for the position. Cool!
Then, a friend emailed me that her bro-in-law, a fed employee, was looking to hire. I'd already sent my resume, and my friend said she'd recommended me highly. Next step is to email bro-in-law.
Don't want to get my hopes up (again) but need to be positive, right? Right!
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's odd but I still rejoice in the fact that it's Friday. No good reason for it, Saturday and Sunday don't absolve me of the responsibility of job seeking. Actually, the Sunday papers generally have the most employment ads. So why this elation, this TGIF! attitude? I have no idea.
You may have seen the news that the Senate blocked the Emergency Unemployment extension last night. Way to go, guys. Nice job. Do you not get that the $30 mil this would have cost is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount spent on defense?
They should be ashamed.
You may have seen the news that the Senate blocked the Emergency Unemployment extension last night. Way to go, guys. Nice job. Do you not get that the $30 mil this would have cost is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount spent on defense?
They should be ashamed.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
New Page!
Had a brainstorm last night - I write fiction, and am trying to publish something somewhere, so why not add a page to this blog to put some stuff out there? So, check out the new page, let me know what you think. Thanks!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Some Tips to Get Through the Day...
If you're reading this, you're probably unemployed or underemployed, right? And it's a daunting task to fill the day with meaningful stuff, isn't it? Here are some things that are helping me get through the days:
1) Set a schedule for yourself. Set the alarm clock, get up, shower, have coffee. I spend the mornings trolling the job boards and online newspapers, writing cover letters, etc.
2) Try to find at least one thing everyday that will get you out of the house/apartment - go for a walk, ride your bike, whatever. It's helpful to move and will make you feel less depressed. Honest.
3) Do you have a hobby? As long as it isn't a real money drain, indulge. Who knows, it could lead to something else, right?
4) Be kind to yourself, be good to yourself. Give yourself permission to take a break from the hard work of looking for work every once in awhile and read a book, watch a good movie. (Libraries are your friends!)
5) Make sure you have contact with friends and family, it's so important not to become a recluse. (I'm in danger of becoming the crazy cat lady on my block.)
6) Teach yourself a new skill - I'm trying to improve my typing and learn PowerPoint.
Lots of folks say they find volunteering to be helpful. I'm trying to find a volunteer opportunity or 2 in my community, and I'll let you know. I think it's also a good way to get out of your own head for a bit - self-absorption is NOT a good long term strategy.
Seriously, the most important thing that I can think of is: Try not to despair, even though it's so easy to feel worthless and beaten. Let me know what you think!
1) Set a schedule for yourself. Set the alarm clock, get up, shower, have coffee. I spend the mornings trolling the job boards and online newspapers, writing cover letters, etc.
2) Try to find at least one thing everyday that will get you out of the house/apartment - go for a walk, ride your bike, whatever. It's helpful to move and will make you feel less depressed. Honest.
3) Do you have a hobby? As long as it isn't a real money drain, indulge. Who knows, it could lead to something else, right?
4) Be kind to yourself, be good to yourself. Give yourself permission to take a break from the hard work of looking for work every once in awhile and read a book, watch a good movie. (Libraries are your friends!)
5) Make sure you have contact with friends and family, it's so important not to become a recluse. (I'm in danger of becoming the crazy cat lady on my block.)
6) Teach yourself a new skill - I'm trying to improve my typing and learn PowerPoint.
Lots of folks say they find volunteering to be helpful. I'm trying to find a volunteer opportunity or 2 in my community, and I'll let you know. I think it's also a good way to get out of your own head for a bit - self-absorption is NOT a good long term strategy.
Seriously, the most important thing that I can think of is: Try not to despair, even though it's so easy to feel worthless and beaten. Let me know what you think!
Giving credit where credit's due
I really have to fix something here:
The picture on here, of the sweet peas, was taken by a friend of mine, Melissa, who relocated to Boulder, Co several years ago. She sends me these amazing photos of sights in her neighborhood, and I was remiss in not crediting her for the photo right from the start. Sorry, Melissa!
She's also entered several photos in a contest, let's wish her all the luck! GO, MELISSA!! YOU ROCK!!
The picture on here, of the sweet peas, was taken by a friend of mine, Melissa, who relocated to Boulder, Co several years ago. She sends me these amazing photos of sights in her neighborhood, and I was remiss in not crediting her for the photo right from the start. Sorry, Melissa!
She's also entered several photos in a contest, let's wish her all the luck! GO, MELISSA!! YOU ROCK!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Online Finger Meditation Tool
Online Finger Meditation Tool
I've been fascinated with labyrinths for years, ever since I saw a woman on the Today show demonstrate how to draw one of your own. Then I found the Grace Cathedral labyrinth website and this meditation tool. Give it a try: just trace your way around the labyrinth slowly, let your mind go blank. it's a peaceful little moment. have fun!
I've been fascinated with labyrinths for years, ever since I saw a woman on the Today show demonstrate how to draw one of your own. Then I found the Grace Cathedral labyrinth website and this meditation tool. Give it a try: just trace your way around the labyrinth slowly, let your mind go blank. it's a peaceful little moment. have fun!
Didn't post yesterday because I was running around registering with employment agencies, which I know I needed to do, but just doubt it'll do much good.
I find myself getting enraged at the smallest things, I mean seeing-red-mad. I know it's because I feel impotent and vulnerable, but the anger is starting to scare me. I want some revenge against the company that downsized me, I want to see the building burning and crashing to ground and rats running rampant over it all. I want to see the executives homeless and begging on the side of the road. I don't care if this is mean spirited. I don't care.
I'm tired of it all, all of it.
I find myself getting enraged at the smallest things, I mean seeing-red-mad. I know it's because I feel impotent and vulnerable, but the anger is starting to scare me. I want some revenge against the company that downsized me, I want to see the building burning and crashing to ground and rats running rampant over it all. I want to see the executives homeless and begging on the side of the road. I don't care if this is mean spirited. I don't care.
I'm tired of it all, all of it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Unemployed Need Not Apply
The Unemployed Need Not Apply
I found this on another blog, survive unemployment!, and had to post this, because it's just wrong. I haven't seen or experienced this yet in my area, but I don't doubt that when I tell an interviewer that I was downsized, it's certainly not a mark in my favor.
That's wrong, wrong, wrong. Like the original post says, I could do nothing to control the situation at my former employer. In the meeting where we were let go, they even told us that the decision was NOT BASED ON PERFORMANCE, that we were all excellent employees. (Corollary question: if not performance-based, then what in hell does performance count for? Discuss. Also, why would you dump excellent people?)
Is it another sign that the economy is really in the tank? Or is it a regional phenomenon?
Of course, I stupidly relocated to an area where good jobs are few and far between, unless you're willing to super commute. (Which I am. ) So the idea of it being regional sort of makes some kind of twisted sense: too many people and too few jobs.
But still, this kind of discrimination - like ALL discrimination - is reprehensible.
I found this on another blog, survive unemployment!, and had to post this, because it's just wrong. I haven't seen or experienced this yet in my area, but I don't doubt that when I tell an interviewer that I was downsized, it's certainly not a mark in my favor.
That's wrong, wrong, wrong. Like the original post says, I could do nothing to control the situation at my former employer. In the meeting where we were let go, they even told us that the decision was NOT BASED ON PERFORMANCE, that we were all excellent employees. (Corollary question: if not performance-based, then what in hell does performance count for? Discuss. Also, why would you dump excellent people?)
Is it another sign that the economy is really in the tank? Or is it a regional phenomenon?
Of course, I stupidly relocated to an area where good jobs are few and far between, unless you're willing to super commute. (Which I am. ) So the idea of it being regional sort of makes some kind of twisted sense: too many people and too few jobs.
But still, this kind of discrimination - like ALL discrimination - is reprehensible.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
random thoughts on a gloomy day
It's muggy and rainy here in Wild, Wonderful West-by-God today. Dark rainy days remind me of being a kid in grade school. The days when it was cold and rainy in the early autumn, and the teachers would turn on those big overhead lights that looked like ice cube trays, I would always feel like I was in another little world, all safe and warm. I'd look up from my schoolwork in the bright room and see out the windows the dark and rain pouring down. I hated rainy days back then - seemed like it always rained on the days of the school field trips or when my family was going to the pool for the day. Now, I like them, look forward to them. I especially like when thunder wakes me up at night and the cats are curled at my feet in bed. I still have that feeling of safe harbor, that I'm protected somehow.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Hot and bored today. Maybe I should move someplace cold, like Antarctica....and watch the ice melt....
It's in the morning that I'm most down about the job situation, and I tend to surf the Internet, looking for jobs and job-related news. Reading news items about the current state of the economy is not helpful, just terrifying. Waiting to see what happens with the UE extension, praying that the feds approve the extension and praying even harder that I won't need to use it.
On another topic: Don't ever paint your stairs white. I don't mean the walls, I mean the actual stairs. At the time, it seemed like a good idea: the staircase was dark and dingy, so I painted the walls a nice creamy yellow and the ceiling a sky blue. I had loads of white gloss paint left, so I figured the extra white would help brighten things up. It did, but it shows every little dust bunny and smudge. Fail.
It's in the morning that I'm most down about the job situation, and I tend to surf the Internet, looking for jobs and job-related news. Reading news items about the current state of the economy is not helpful, just terrifying. Waiting to see what happens with the UE extension, praying that the feds approve the extension and praying even harder that I won't need to use it.
On another topic: Don't ever paint your stairs white. I don't mean the walls, I mean the actual stairs. At the time, it seemed like a good idea: the staircase was dark and dingy, so I painted the walls a nice creamy yellow and the ceiling a sky blue. I had loads of white gloss paint left, so I figured the extra white would help brighten things up. It did, but it shows every little dust bunny and smudge. Fail.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Here's my story: I was downsized - ugly word, isn't it?- on March 1, 2010. I guess I'm a little luckier than most because I snagged a job with the census right off the bat. Cool, right? Sure, except it's a short term solution - these jobs weren't meant to last forever. But it's a good way to keep myself busy and earn a little money.
I'm not a kid any more, either. I'm in my early 50's (which is a challenge all by itself) and have an unusual family situation. If you're also unemployed, you probably have the same feelings I do - anger, sadness, worry about what's going to happen next - and dealing with it all can feel as futile as emptying the ocean a teaspoon at a time.
I decided to start a blog because I can feel my brain getting mushy from lack of stimulation. So i figured I'd start this and challenge myself to write something here every day. I can't promise it will be great literature, but I'll try to make it marginally interesting, and not rant too much about the injustice of it all. So, thanks for checking this out, hope you come back!
I'm not a kid any more, either. I'm in my early 50's (which is a challenge all by itself) and have an unusual family situation. If you're also unemployed, you probably have the same feelings I do - anger, sadness, worry about what's going to happen next - and dealing with it all can feel as futile as emptying the ocean a teaspoon at a time.
I decided to start a blog because I can feel my brain getting mushy from lack of stimulation. So i figured I'd start this and challenge myself to write something here every day. I can't promise it will be great literature, but I'll try to make it marginally interesting, and not rant too much about the injustice of it all. So, thanks for checking this out, hope you come back!
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