


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Need to rant

OK, I'm not a sports fan, let me be upfront about that. So, I heard on the news this morning about some football guy for the Redskins who hasn't managed to pass the pre-season physical tests, and who excused himself from practice because he didn't feel good. here's the kicker - this kid makes something like $100M - ok, that sounds like a lot even for sports, but it was a HELLUVA BIG NUMBER.

What is up with that? First off, how do they justify these salaries? Yeah, yeah, I know - it's limited life span career and these people have talent ---come gain? THAT makes them worth millions?? Ever heard of education?

What nonsense professional sports are - grown adults playing kid's games, and half the time they don't act like they give hoot about the game. Little League players have more heart than these oafs. Give me a break!!

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