I had to get some blood drawn this morning at the local hospital, to check cholesterol levels. I get called into the financial office e to do the paperwork and the lady asked me if I was still employed at Co."X". I said, no, sadly, I got laid off in March. She stopped typing and looked at me, and she said, "They did what?! Oh my God, I am so sorry! Are you OK?" I said I was fine, looking for a new job, etc. When she finished the paperwork she said, "Look, we have a new policy here that we're supposed to collect 20% of the coinsurance at the time you get the services." I must have turned white as a ghost, because lab work is expensive and I have an insanely high deductible, but she said, "But since you explained your situation, I'm not gonna do that. you can work this out with us later, OK?"
I'll still have to pay most of this bill, if not all, but it was a relief to my wallet not to have to pay it out this morning. Thank you, nice lady at the hospital!!!
That's great! There are people out there who get it!