


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! My family used to have a cook-out on the 4th in out backyard. I remember it was fun, and lots of good stuff to eat. Then us kids would play while the grown-ups played cards.

I loved cook -outs back then - the aroma of the meat cooking in the hot summer air, my mother's yellow tablecloth on the picnic table fluttering, eating outside with the sun on my face and the wind whiffling about...

Now, I'm not such a big fan. The summer sun makes me feel hot and itchy, the flies and other bugs get on my nerves, and I think about things like how long can potato salad sit out before it becomes toxic and are those burgers cooked all the way?

Every summer I think I'll try to get past all that - jeez, summer is short and really should be enjoyed, but after I spend one afternoon in the humidity, I am done. Guess I'm turning into a grump.

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Blog

On the advice of a dear friend, I started a new blog. The title is Roses and Prickles, and BE WARNED! THIS IS AN ADULTS ONLY BLOG, which I'm using to showcase my less mainstream (read: erotic) writing. Feel free to visit, but take a deep breath before you do - this is an explicit site.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Spring!

Wow, I really need to sit myself down and have a serious talk with myself. It's been one helluva long time since I've been on here, although some really bad photos from my phone made it.

Still working at the same call center job, but things are very slow now and they send people home, hence my presence here in the blogosphere. It's been a cool rainy spring, which I am lovin'.

Is anyone disappointed that Donald Trump is not going to run for President? Did you like how he dropped out once his asinine reality show got renewed? Gotta love it - the balls on some people. He really played us, and it was all a big fat ad campaign. Well, that's a boo to him, but to all of us, too, for even thinking this was for real.

OK, keep an eye onthis space, may have some news next time I drop by.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Taken on my Virgin Mobile

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Taken on my Virgin Mobile

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Taken on my Virgin Mobile

Sent from my Virgin Mobile

Taken on my Virgin Mobile

Sent from my Virgin Mobile